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The El Camino Travel Guide to Mumbai, India

As the commercial capital of the country, the urban metropolis is often referred to as the City of Dreams due to its career opportunities in finance, media, tech and film (it’s the heart of the Bollywood film industry). For travelers, Mumbai offers the chance to experience the vast spectrum only India can provide.

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The El Camino Travel Guide to Dubai, UAE

Nowhere else blends the future and the past quite like Dubai, largely considered the cultural and economic heart of the UAE. From futuristic shopping malls to architectural marvels and man-made islands, Dubai is a place that’s constantly pushing the limits of what’s possible.

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Katalina Mayorga Katalina Mayorga

Upcoming Livestream: So You Want To Work In Travel?

I’m excited to try something new with you. I often get questions, emails, and DMs about how to break into the travel industry. I also know many of you are avid travelers who dream of making travel your career but aren’t sure where to start.

The truth is, the travel industry is massive and offers countless ways to get involved.

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The El Camino Travel Guide to Milan, Italy

Don’t arrive here expecting to find aesthetic grandeur as you would in Venice, Rome, or Florence. Milan is more of an industrial and international city—as Italy’s economic capital, it’s a business and financial hub that’s home to a global crowd. It feels more modern than other Italian cities, and as a result, it has more of a pace to it.

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The El Camino Travel Guide to Helsinki, Finland

Helsinki isn’t your typical capital city—it’s compact (home to just half a million people), laid-back, unpretentious, and entirely surrounded by nature. Situated between the Baltic Sea and nearby forests, this water-facing city is bordered by the sea on three sides and is recognized as a UNESCO City of Design,

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The El Camino Travel Guide to Edinburgh, Scotland

Dare we say it, but we think it’s impossible not to love Edinburgh. Scotland’s capital offers everything you look for in a city, without the cosmopolitan bustle that can often be overwhelming in other cities. True, it doesn’t get particularly warm, but the chill is all part of its cozy charm.

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The El Camino Travel Guide to Mallorca, Spain

A combination of rugged landscapes, sparkling coastlines, and rustic villages has made Mallorca one of Europe’s top-visited destinations. Located off the eastern coast of Spain, Mallorca’s reputation has evolved over the years from a quiet, secluded Mediterranean island, to one of the first all-inclusive travel destinations, to a bohemian escape for artists.

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The El Camino Travel Guide to Cairo, Egypt

The juxtaposition of ‘new meets old’ is thrown around a lot in travel, but Cairo takes it to the extreme. Where else can you see ancient iconic marvels and centuries-old mosques sitting alongside a rapidly modernizing metropolis? This striking contrast is just one of the reasons why few cities in the world offer an experience like Egypt’s capital.

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The El Camino Travel Guide to Kyoto, Japan

While its heritage is what makes Kyoto unique, it is still very much a modern city with cool concept stores, boutique galleries, and a surge of new contemporary hotels. Take the time to get to know this side of it to escape the tourist overcrowding and give you a better understanding of the city beyond its picturesque image.

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The El Camino Travel Guide to Chiang Mai, Thailand

Think you know Thailand? Think again. In a country best known for its islands and temples, Thailand’s Northern capital offers an urban destination that has quietly emerged as an art and design hub. In true ECT style, we’ve delved into the current artistic energy of the city to uncover the brands, bars, galleries, and cultural hubs you should know about.

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