Weekend With Kayla Doris Weekend With Kayla Doris

Kene Anoliefo - Cofounder of Elis

Kene is the co-founder of Elis, a venture-backed startup that helps companies understand their customers better using Artificial Intelligence. Before starting Elis, she spent over a decade working at the intersection of entertainment and tech as a Product Executive at YouTube, Spotify and Netflix.

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Weekend With Kayla Doris Weekend With Kayla Doris

Eshita Kabra - Founder & CEO of By Rotation

Eshita is the Founder and CEO of the award-winning fashion rental app By Rotation, the world's largest shared wardrobe available in the UK and US. As a third culture kid from India, Singapore, US and UK, she calls herself a global citizen who now lives between London and New York.

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Weekend With Kayla Doris Weekend With Kayla Doris

Alya Mooro - Writer &Author

Alya Mooro is an Egyptian-born, London-raised writer and author of the bestselling non-fiction book The Greater Freedom: Life as a Middle Eastern Woman Outside the Stereotypes. She is the founder of The Greater Conversation newsletter and community, and host and producer of the Talk of Shame podcast.

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Weekend With Guest User Weekend With Guest User

Maya Allen, Beauty Director-at-Large at The Cut

Maya Allen is a leading beauty expert and editor. She is currently the Beauty Director-at-Large for NY Mag's The Cut and previously served as the Beauty Director of InStyle and Digital Beauty Editor at Marie Claire. Her work celebrates beauty in all of its diverse glory and I’m committed to amplifying representation through powerful storytelling.

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Weekend With Guest User Weekend With Guest User

Anja Tyson - Consultant & Mom on Kindred Napoli

Anja Tyson is a New York-based consultant developing sustainable, purpose-driven businesses and brands. She’s spent her career working in the fashion industry, which provided amazing opportunities to travel and to experience other cultures and perspectives. In her free time, Anja writes The Culture of Care, and most importantly, is a mom.

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Weekend With Guest User Weekend With Guest User

Molly Berry - Founder of Luna Zorro on the Magic of Mallorca

Molly Berry, the founder and creative director of Luna Zorro, is a designer and travel enthusiast. She's a solo travelers that also loves exploring with her husband, two kids, and a camera in her hand. We get a front row seat of a recent trip to Mallorca, Spain as Molly shows us the endless beauty of the destination's natural landscape, along with her top recommendations for your next trip.

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